Hey S.I.Q. fans!
We apologize for backing off a bit on our Facebook posts and public announcements. Obviously we haven't had much going on, save for being short a drummer. However, it may not be for too much longer that we are drummer-less. We have auditioned a few fellows so far, and one in particular is excelling at everything we require of him. For the moment, he will remain unnamed (guess we're taking a leaf out of Dream Theater's book). We are still auditioning though, so if you have the skill and the interest, do not hesitate to contact us.
Some good news for James Nelson, our guitarist, has come up. He is now giving lessons at Streetwise Music Instruction of Charlotte. I will also be applying to give lessons, so wish me luck.
If you pay any attention to the little gadgets on the left hand side of my blog page, you'll have noticed that I have linked several videos that I have uploaded to Youtube. I have begun video logging some of the adventures that S.I.Q. has outside (and occasionally inside) practice. These are all candid videos filmed for the purpose of the entertainment of hardcore S.I.Q. fans. See? We care about you.
Keep an eye out for upcoming announcements!
Cole Millward
S.I.Q. bassist
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