Sunday, March 27, 2011

A New Turn of Events

Hey S.I.Q. fans!

   As you may have seen from announcements on our various websites, Corey Butler is indeed no longer a part of S.I.Q. Yesterday we all sat down at his house, had a discussion, and mutually agreed that it would be in the best interests of the band that Corey move on to focus on other things. Neither party is angry for any reason. He did a lot for the band in his year and two months of being a member, and we wish him well in his future plans.
   This of course means that we are without a drummer for the moment. We have already begun auditioning people, so if you are interested and would like try out to enter the S.I.Q. fold, please do not hesitate to contact us. We read all comments and posts on our Facebook page, so you may express your interest there if you like, or you can shoot us an email at Our requirements are that you have your own drum kit (preferably one that is presentable on stage), availability for two practices per week, adequate skill level (which includes stamina, playing speed and accuracy, as well as knowledge of time signatures outside of 4/4 and 3/4. Hey, the stuff we play isn't easy!) and determination to be successful in the world of music.
   On a lighter note, we have received pictures and video footage from our show at Amos' Southend. Thanks to Rebecca Ruddy with Studio SNA for doing photography for us. You are greatly appreciated!

 This is the footage of James' mid show solo. The man can rock!
Also, in case anyone wonders, the full list of the songs on our demo are available for listening online, just on different websites. Our Facebook page now only features our 10-minute epic, "Nightmare Lullaby", while the remaining four songs can be found on both ReverbNation and PureVolume.
   To wrap up this entry, I want to leave all of our awesome fans out there with this:
Possible new S.I.Q. shirts? I think so.

Cole Millward
S.I.Q. bassist

1 comment:

  1. Feeling some sadness and disappointment to see Corey is leaving but wishing him the best... I like the shirt!!
