Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Fifth Horseman Arrives!

Hey S.I.Q. fans!

   I know it was announced several days ago, but I was unable to log in to my blog to embellish upon it then so here it is: We have found our new drummer. His name is Paul Wood, and he is the secret drummer we have been auditioning most steadily for the past two months. We did audition several other drummers, but we didn't get quite the same feeling with them as we got with Paul. He is stylistically very different from Corey; First and foremost, he is a rock/metal drummer, but he has been handling our odd time signatures and uncommon arrangements with gusto. Also he gets along with us very well. We have already introduced him to Q'doba, the source of our creative juice, and he has gone there with us numerous times already.
   So, now that S.I.Q. is whole again, we can move forward more quickly toward our goals. Two shows are set in stone for the coming month of June: June 18th at Tremont music hall with 3 Remain (the winner of the last battle we did), and June 28th at Jortsfest. Also, we are resuming work on our first album. Now that we have a drummer we can make our newly written songs more solid. Recording is going to start within the next two months.
   I am still selling my 4 and 5 string basses. Once again, if anyone is interested, just contact me over facebook or email.
   I haven't bought any new music since my last post, but I'll just say that I have been listening to Seventh Wonder frequently. I like them a lot, especially their bass player (duh). He is a complete virtuoso. I've heard him play along note for note with some of the guitarist's solo lines. The only thing I'm not so sure about is his tone. I can tell that his pickup balancer is set such that there is an equal balance between the bridge and neck pickups; It occasionally sounds messy, even though his technique is impeccable. Oh, and their singer is fantastic!
   Well, I speak for all of us when I say I hope you will come to see us at our upcoming shows. We would love to see you there!

Cole Millward
S.I.Q. bassist

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